How to Provide Valuable Performance Feedback that Gets Results

Many leasing professionals have trouble advocating for themselves or find it hard to provide actionable performance reviews. Giving feedback as a multifamily manager can be challenging, but it is crucial to your team’s success.

Most companies assume their employees are hitting the mark. So, many leaders take for granted that their employees have a good sense of how they’re performing. Without the proper system in place to measure employee performance, it can be difficult to make informed decisions. So what can top property operators and onsite teams do to provide reviews and feedback that are insightful and helpful? Fortunately, access to measurable employee performance analytics makes providing valuable feedback easy. Here are some important tips to help multifamily leasing professionals improve leasing performance.

How To Provide Valuable Performance Feedback That Gets Results

Tips For Multifamily Leaders

Provide Advice (Not Just Performance Feedback)

Feedback without advice is ineffective. Why? Because feedback is anchored in the past—reflecting on what has been and cannot be changed. Feedback without advice makes it harder for your leasing team to focus on the future. Instead of focusing on past performance, leasing leaders should aim to provide actionable advice that focuses on what their team can do better moving forward—not what they did wrong last year.

For example, if a sales rep’s tour performance lagged, provide them with tips on improving the tenant experience and conducting an awesome tour. If the data shows they lagged in following up with residents, explain how they can enhance their task management by utilizing a leasing CRM. Not sure where to start your feedback? Check out your team’s performance metrics to create personalized and effective advice.

Provide Consistent Employee Performance Feedback

“Not all feedback needs to wait until one-on-ones,” said Jessica Spiegel, DigiRealty Technologies Operations Director. “Consistent feedback is critical to building an engaged and efficient leasing team.”

Rather than waiting for a one-on-one to give feedback, take the opportunity to provide important advice when the interaction is fresh in everybody’s mind. For example, if you notice a team member could optimize their email to prospects, let them know as soon as you see the email. That way, your team member can immediately begin improving their performance.

DashQ’s innovative tenant engagement software provides decision-makers with accurate, real-time data so leaders can spend more time improving team performance instead of constant mundane follow-up.

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Tips For Onsite Leasing Teams

Utilize Your Leader’s Knowledge and Experience

Being a leasing professional, it’s critical to advocate for yourself and feel comfortable speaking openly with your leaders about your goals and challenges. Leaders not only provide constructive feedback about your performance, but they can also give excellent advice on how you can advance your career.

“Clear career goals are so important in our industry,” said Jessica. “The best multifamily leaders provide their leasing team with a rewarding and supportive working environment that fosters talent retention. “

Enjoying open and respectful dialogue with leadership is crucial in terms of creating achievable and sustainable goals. A good manager will help you identify your individual goals—while ensuring you understand your team’s goals—and will guide you toward achieving them.

Advocate for yourself

Everyone has been faced with taking on a project or task outside of their job description at least once in their professional career. This is especially true in the multifamily leasing industry, where high-staff turnover can be an issue. If you’re facing an insurmountable number of tasks that impact more important responsibilities, be sure to let your leadership know.

“Many leasing professionals get slowed down by ‘busy’ administrative work,” said Jessica. “It’s important that leasing teams know about the tools and tech available to help them streamline their workflow. In addition to shortening their day-to-day task list, tenant engagement software can also help leasing professionals keep track of leads and crush their sales goals.”

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Actionable Performance Insights for Multifamily Landlords

Most multifamily leasing leaders agree that the ability to provide data-driven and actionable feedback to leasing agents would improve their current sales metrics. However, without full visibility of their performance, it’s difficult for rental property owners and managers to know how to effectively coach their team members. DashQ’s innovative leasing tech provides leaders with invaluable insight into their team’s performance—so they can lease faster and smarter. Click here to learn more about our Insights tool.

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